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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is the Gas Going Out of Classic Cars?

With the increase in prices and the introduction of ethanol into the fuel, the combustion engine is under assault and is about to run out of gas. 

As a lover of the Classic Car I have a deep interest in what is happening with the price of fuel. Why? 

To understand just how much of attack our classics are under just pick up one of the highly published car magazines, such as Motor Trend or Automotive Magazine and notice the acclimates You have to know when they start touting the 0-60's or the 1/4miles, or the bizarre combined HP and ft. lbs. of these whining electric magnets it may be time to get concerned about the future of Classic Cars as we have known them. 

In the very near future the gas combustion engine, the engines that have been the work horses, the engines that carried lovers to lover’s lane and to A & W’s for most of a century now will give way to the electric transporter. As for me I find a Segway, the two wheel green mailman transporters to be more interesting. 

How is demise of the combustion engine coming about? Why is government not stepping in with the price gouging? Why is Exxon not worried? The answers to those questions are complicated and multilayered yet simple, money.

We will never know exactly why just like we will never know why the stock market climbs and at the same time the price of gas climbs and unemployment climbs. We can be sure though that of the banks, the investment companies, the government and the gas companies are not done stripping the rest of our hard earn savings from us.

My best advice is while you can afford to and while you can still purchase fuel that a Classic Car can run on, get that car that you have always wanted, take her to lover’s lane, enjoy a stop at an A & W and run the wheels off of it.

The time for combustion engine is running out of gas and you and I have an obligation to enjoy ever last minute of it.

Looking for a great Classic Car? Go to our Online Classic Cars For Sale Museum All About Detail.

Make to read our last article: Who Invented the Automobile .

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